備忘錄裡有要求執行期限、有要求執行單位、有針對的對象如半導體AI人才、美國支助政府與非政府實體發展正有利的AI環境、有文件架構“Framework to Advance AI Governance and Risk Management in National Security” (AI Framework),這也是繼歐盟制定AI Act以來,美國政府部門全部動員起來進行制定的重要宣示。希望台灣政府部門應該也能注意這件事....
Memorandum on advancing the united states leadership in artificial intelligence harnessing artificial intelligence to fulfill national security objectives and fostering the safety security and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence...
States’ Leadership in Artificial Intelligence; Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Fulfill National Security Objectives; and Fostering the Safety, Security, and Trustworthiness of Artificial Intelligence